Bioeconomy between food and energy crisis - Opinion of the Bioeconomy Council

In its statement from September 2, 2022, the Bioeconomy Council of the German government condemns the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine and points out ways in which the resulting food and energy crisis can be alleviated with the help of the bioeconomy.
Triggered by the war in Ukraine, Germany and the world are experiencing a turning point that affects all aspects of sustainable human security. In addition to the already existing global climate and hunger crisis, the increasing debt of private households and national economies, and the after-effects of the Corona pandemic, e.g. in the socio-psychological field, this war adds another crisis with global implications. These crises overlap and reinforce each other.
A sustainable bioeconomy can contribute to answering the questions of how the food crisis can be mitigated in the short and medium to long term, and how the energy and raw material turnaround can succeed. These future tasks require a rapid and comprehensive further development of the bioeconomy as well as its implementation.
With this statement, the Bioeconomy Council provides the German government with recommendations for measures that will enable Germany and Europe to support the supply of food and feed in the short term and stabilize the energy supply. In the medium and long term, the aim is to make agricultural production more resilient, to strengthen food sovereignty in Germany, Europe and the global South, and to reduce dependence on energy and raw material imports.
You can download the statement here: